Hello Neighbor

  • Hello Neighbor Screenshot
  • Hello Neighbor Screenshot
  • Hello Neighbor Screenshot
  • Hello Neighbor Screenshot
  • Hello Neighbor Screenshot
  • Hello Neighbor Screenshot
  • Hello Neighbor Screenshot
  • Hello Neighbor Screenshot
  • Hello Neighbor Screenshot
  • Hello Neighbor Screenshot
  • Hello Neighbor Screenshot
  • Hello Neighbor Screenshot
  • Hello Neighbor Screenshot
  • Hello Neighbor Screenshot
  • Hello Neighbor Screenshot
  • Hello Neighbor Screenshot
  • Hello Neighbor Screenshot
  • Hello Neighbor Screenshot
  • Hello Neighbor Screenshot
  • Hello Neighbor Screenshot


Hello Neighborは、隣人の家の地下室にこっそり侵入して、家主がどんな秘密を隠しているのかを探り当てるステルスホラーゲームです。あなたの一挙手一投足から学習する高度なAIを相手にプレイします。窓をよじ登って家に潜入するのが好きですか?ベアトラップも仕掛けられています。エスケープ?AIが近道を見つけてあなたを捕らえようとします。

*サポートされているデバイス:iPhone 6s、iPad 5(2017)、iPad Air 2、iPad Mini 4以上のデバイス。 iPodタッチはサポートされていません*


開発者tinyBuild LLC



  • I want you to return the specifications of the virtual button to the previous one.2024年9月18日
    This game is really great, that's why I have a request. Please be able to select whether to return the button specifications to those of ver1.9 or earlier. The specifications of the new button are difficult to use and difficult to operate. In addition, when looking into the telescope with ACT3, it became pitch black, and when ACT1 reached the basement, the character caused a bug and became sh …
  • 製品版2024年9月8日
  • The rating is…2024年6月21日
    I love Hello Neighbor, it’s an amazing game. It gets hard but it is very much worth it. Though I never made it to Act2 or 3 lol. Thank you. The creator of the game this game actually helped me to be braver and better at games like it. I thank you the creator because you spent your time making this game and making similar games like it thank you for your time.
  • 好玩2024年5月19日
  • 全然楽しくない2024年4月30日
  • ハローネイバー好きよ2024年3月31日
