Bluefy – Web BLE Browser

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Bluefy – smart Web Browser with support of advanced IoT technology — Web Bluetooth APIs!

You can communicate with the outside world using Bluefy Bluetooth browser without using native applications for connection with BLE devices.

Our Web BLE Browser provides easy and fast smartphone connection directly from web pages with nearby Bluetooth devices. Now just detect and interact from appropriate web pages with numerous BLE devices such as smart home appliances, medical devices such as a heart rate monitor, glucose monitor, temperature sensors, etc.

How to use?

– Turn on Bluetooth on your smartphone
– Turn on Bluetooth on your BLE device
– Open Web Bluetooth API page that supports your device
– Connect with the supported BLE device and use the functionality that web page provides

For web developers*

– Bluefy browser provides developers with the possibility to create web solutions that will work on all iOS devices.
– Web Bluetooth API specification allows websites, running in the Central role, to connect to remote GATT Servers over a BLE connection. It supports communication among devices that implement Bluetooth 4.0 or later.
– To use Web Bluetooth, your site should work through a secure connection (HTTPS)

Bluefy – great Web BLE Connect solution!

Develop a Progressive Web Apps (PWA) and imitate the capabilities of native applications, such as stand-alone operation, notifications and other features.
Make own web R&D, demos, improve your user experience, share with others, and develop something interesting and unusual!

Download Bluefy, use Web BLE features and enjoy its wide functionality.
If you have any questions or issues while using our application, do not hesitate to write to us:





  • 最高のアプリ2025年3月11日
  • iQOSアプリ専用2025年1月22日
  • 切断イベントが起こらない?など2024年12月5日
    ・256×256のpng画像をWebページのアイコンにしたのですが、このブラウザでは表示されませんでした。 ・input要素のtext内で改行キーを押せてしまい、押すと入力欄がずれます。 ・Bluetooth機器の切断イベントが起こりません。
  • 毎回接続がちょっと面倒かな2023年2月11日
    製品の管理にスマートデバイスを使えるのはいいんだけど、 アプリ起動で接続済みで出来るともっと良いかも
  • QR code reading2021年12月25日
    I think it would be very useful to be able to use the qr code reading function to make it easier to access websites. Looking forward to the new feature.
