Mood Mint – Boost Your Mood

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Mood Mint combines a variety of psychological techniques to help boost your mood and reduce stress, anxiety and depression.

For optimal results, you should aim to train for around 5 to 10 minutes per day.To complete the program, you need to earn 10 000 points.

There are 4 main components to Mood Mint:

Cognitive Bias Modification (CBM) is a computer-based therapy that gets the user to repeatedly select positive information over negative information. The aim of the game is to tap the positive image as quickly as possible. In this way, CBM helps train your brain to automatically focus more on positive information in your everyday life.The result: less stress and a happier you.

You can delete, edit or add your own images to the bias modification program. Add pictures of things you are grateful for, happy events and people that are special to you and give them a positive charge. These will also help to trigger the release of ‘feel-good’ chemicals during each training session.

Slides will appear during the cognitive bias modification session. These are loaded with bite-sized tips, facts, stats, techniques and exercises to help boost your mood. You can take your time reading the slides and carrying out the exercises as the timer will stop while they are on screen.

Go to Settings to edit and add your own happy notes to the program.


Just as focusing your attention on negative or threatening information can trigger the release of stress chemicals like cortisol and adrenaline, so focusing on positive information can trigger the release of ‘feel-good’ chemicals like serotonin, oxytocin and endorphins.The word search is designed to trigger these ‘feel-good’ chemicals by getting you to focus on positive words. You need to find all 4 of the words listed below the letter grid to complete the word search.Drag your finger over the letters in the grid to highlight each of the words listed.

To maximise the positive effect, try to think of all the positive things you associate with each word as you search for it.


There is a guided breathing exercise at the end of each training session. Focusing on your breathing helps to ground you in the present, and triggers the parasympathetic (‘rest and digest’) response, instantly making you feel calmer.


開発者Jason Pegg



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