Calendar Timeline

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With the Calendar Timeline App for watchOS you’ll get a nice overview of the calendar entries within the next seven days – also reminder for today and earlier are supported in one single app.

The app comes with a set of complications – also with a nice big complication for Modular Duo and Infograph Modular watch faces. In this complication you’ll see all events and reminder of the day and got the next one display above. This complication supports up to 6 calendars at the same time.

HUGE Update: Now you can choose your favorite style!

· Fixed timeline: Fixed timespan from 6 am to 12 am

· Dynamic timeline: The timeline shows the timespan from first to last event of the day with 1 hour padding each side

· Dynamic timeline with actual time: Like dynamic but with the actual time marker (if before first or past last event)

· Moving timeline: You will see a 4 hour timespan for the future and the timeline is moving through the day (only style where the next day do not get shown when after 6 pm and past the last event)

· Also you can choose if you like the full big image on your watch face or like the next event text on top of the timeline.

· You can switch on text in timeline which (mostly) fully displays your event text.

· Even add you favorite tint color (disables text in timeline).

With these settings you can configure your own style on you own watch face!


The big graph complication only runs with Apple Watch Series 4 and higher (high detail watch faces like Modular Duo, Infograph Modular or Infograph Compact watch faces). MDM (company) managed devices may do not provide calendar data even when granted access since watchOS only apps cannot read MDM profiles.


開発者Kevin Lieser



  • Great App for apple watch2024年3月9日
    thank you for update !(bag fix and japanese language) Using this app is my purpose to buy apple watch.very usefull calender app.
  • Required full access each time2024年3月7日
    I really love this app and have been using it for a while, but at some point it started asking for full-time access every time I put on the watch. Sometimes I’m asked to set full access permissions from the iPhone settings, but this cannot be done because the app is not displayed on the iPhone. I want to know how I can fix it…
  • 日本語対応2024年2月26日
    Apple Watchを買い替えてから気が付いたら(普段から表示をしていなかったので)エラー表示になってました。他のレビューを参考に再インストールしてみたところ復活。そして設定周りが日本語対応になっていた様でとても助かります。これからのバージョンアップも楽しみにしています。
  • まさに神スケジュール!Great, God-like app!2024年2月15日
    こういうのずっと探してました!アップルウォッチのフェイス上でスケジュールがガント風にひと目で確認できます!私のような忘れっぽい人間にとって、このアプリはまさに天の助けですね。ウォッチのみのアプリですが、純正カレンダーと連携しているので入力はPCやアイフォンから入れて、ウォッチ上の表示をこれにして見ています。最高! (願わくば、コンプリケーションの表示領域をもっと大きくしてほしいけど、それはアップル社の制御上、不可みたいですね残念) For someone like me who forgets things easily, this app is truly a godsend. I have been looking for an app that allows me to see my schedule at a glance on my watch face, and this is …
  • iPhone15とApplewatch10の接続で表示されない2024年2月7日
    iPhone15とApplewatch10の接続の際、モジュラーの中心に表示されません。 改善してください。
  • Complications Disappointed2023年12月2日
    I love this app but suddenly my complexion disappeared. I set to bottom and my watch face is Explorer. I changed to Utility but no change. Uninstalled and reinstalled, no change. Please advice me how to fix.
